jeudi 17 janvier 2019

Plague Bearer "Speed Painting" Tutorial

Hi everyone !

Welcome back for another step-by-step tutorial. This time we will play with Plague Bearers from Games Workshop. I normally like to take the time to paint my minis but in this case I had to do 60 guys in a very short time period for the Fat Of War 3 tournament in March. So I tried to come up with a decent solution to combine speed painting and good looking... 

mardi 15 janvier 2019

Imperial Knight House Terryn (GW)

Hi everyone !

A quick update to show you one of my preferred pieces, the Imperial Knight from the house Terryn. I spent quite a lot of time on this one and I tried few new techniques.

Forest Base Tutorial

Hi everyone !

Welcome for a new step-by-step tutorial! This time I'll describe my technique to make realistic forest bases using only washes.

 1. Ok for the first step I glued pieces of cork and pine bark directly on the base to make the rocks. I then covered the rest of the base with PVA and applied smaller rocks, gravel and sand to form the forest soil. I sealed everything with isopropanol (to wet the base) and diluted PVA. When the glue was fully dry I finally applied a basecoat of grey Surface Primer (Vallejo).

lundi 14 janvier 2019

Desert Base Tutorial

Hi everyone !

welcome back for another step-by-step tutorial on desert bases. I ended up using this scheme for all my Death Guard and Nurgle minis, it is rather quick to do and it gives a very good color contrast.

 1. I started by placing the main rocks. Pine bark is probably the best option for that, the shape and the texture matches perfectly the 32mm scale and it costs literally nothing. Just make sure to clean up the pieces with a hard brush in order to remove the dust/dirt and to eliminate weak spots. I also added plastic putty here and there to give more variations to the ground making sort of footsteps or animal tracks. 

vendredi 11 janvier 2019

Imperial Knight Shoulder Pad Gold NMM and Freehand Heraldic

Hi everyone !

coming back for the new year with more pictures and ideas to share. I did not have much time lately to update the blog but I'll do my best to upload more regularly in the future (that's one of my good resolutions for this year !).
As promised, let's look at the step-by-step tutorial of my Imperial Knight Shoulder pad...

1. I started with the airbrush to fix the base colors. The red part consists of Scarlet Red (Vallejo) for the middle tone, then I made the highlights with Bloody Red (Vallejo) and for the shadow I made a mixture 4:1 of Scarlet Red and Cayman Green (Vallejo). For the white part I went for Bone White (Vallejo) as mid tone, Off White (Vallejo) for the highlight and Barbarian Flesh (Vallejo) for the shadow. I used masking tape to get a clean separation in the middle of the piece. I then applied a bit of diluted Agrax Earthshade (Citadel) at the interface of the metallic parts to increase the contrast and get a good lining effect. Finally, I covered all the metallic parts with Heavy Brown (Vallejo - extra opaque) as basecoat for the gold NMM.